Ariocarpus fissuratus
This species is suited only to special greenhouse growing conditions, offering full, blazing sunlight. Plant in half loam and half perlite or sharp sand. Don't water at all during its dormant period, and watch for mealy bug infestations. Blooms in late autumn to winter with pink flowers, sprouting from the plants center. Name: Chaute, Peyote cimarron |
This flattened green plant is also called living rock, or dry whiskey as it can be made into an intoxicating drink. Also called Peyote cimarron. It is a powerful teacher, and is considered by many to be more potent than even Peyote. Sacred to the Tarahumare, who value it for witchcraft, and the Huichols, who consider it evil and a source of permanent insanity. Native to northern and central Mexico. An extremely slow growing, very rare, hardy cactus that survives off of desert mists in the wild. Mature plants reach only 15 cm in diameter after 20 years of growth. Also classified as Mammillaria fissurata. Consumed fresh or made into a drink by crushing in water.
Contains: hordenine, N-methyltyramine, N-methyl-3,4-dimethoxy-phenethylamine.